The 72nd Birmingham Boys' Brigade Company: Previous Events

Older events we've been involved in.


13 September BBQ to celebrate the start of the new year - replacing the canelled one in July due to the hot weather

Current and future Events

We have been involved in these events.


Well done to our Boys, who made up two teams and came in first and third in this year's waltham Walk

Score card showing us 1st and 3rd


14 July We are please to announce an ‘End of Year Evening’ see invitation. Please join us on Zoom for a quick-fire quiz, games, scavenger hunt, but more excitingly to present the awards for best boy, etc which would have been normally been awarded at the annual Display and Awards Evening.
Note: the boys individual badges will be presented at the earliest opportunity when we return to weekly meetings. It has been almost three months since we last met and this will be a great opportunity to meet together, we look forward to seeing you.
If you have not received the details, please contact your Section's Leader Start of New Term

Invitation for 14th July 18:30 on Zoom


Oct - Junior Section Quiz

July Annual Camp for Company Section and Yr 6 Juniors

21 May Annual Display night

March Junior Section weekend away at Kingswood Activity Centre


23-25 March - Junior Section weekend Away

17 March - 72 Years of the 72nd Reunion

27 February Presentation of the cheque to the Company, Anchor and Junior Sections in attendance


Nov/Dec One of the nominated charities for ASDA Foundation's Green Token Scheme

12 Sep New session/term starts

August Weekend Away (Company Section with Girls' Brigade)

18 July End of Season BBQ with Families

15 July Soapbox Race (Company Section)

3 July Bowls (Junior and Company Sections)

20-21 May Walkham Walk (Company Section)

March - Juniors Weekend Away


Oct - Junior Section Quiz

13 Sep New Session/term starts - Note realignment of our younger age groups

24 May Display

April Junior Section weekend away


August Annual Camp

Mar Junior Section Weekend Away


September 9, Start of new Session/Year - Note new Times for Anchor Boys

August Camp

May 13, Display


November 3, Opening Ceremony for new Halls at Church

August Summer Camp 2013


December 7, Juniors go to Hall Green Little Theatre to see Dick Whittington

October 9, Junior Section Quiz - First Round

September 25, Company/Seniors relocate to Yardley Wood scout Hut, Juniors and Anchors remain at SBC

August, 2012 Summer Camp

May 15, 2012 Display Evening

October 11, 2011 Junior Section Quiz - First round

July 23, 2011 Start of Annual Camp.

April 10, Start of Bronze and Silver D of E Expeditions.

Current and future Events


Fantasy Football League(2010/11): Chris Carter with Linwood Lions: 1st place with 1827 points)

Last updated on 10 September 2022